Homi Bhabha
Letter to Tatas. 12
March 1944
H J Bhabha
wrote a letter to Sir Sorab Sakalatvala
The Chairman of the Sir D T Trust.. Tata Trust)
My Dear Sir
The scheme I
am submitting now is not one, which has been hastily conceived. It has been
germinating in my mind for nearly two years, and I recently discussed it at
length with Prof. A V Hill both at Delhi and Bombay. Prof. Hill, Senior
Secretary of the R.S. apart from being an eminent scientist himself, is one who
has a great and intimate knowledge of the organizations of science and scientific
institutions in England, and the many valuable suggestions he made have been
incorporated in the scheme as it stands now . I should like to make a few
remarks to explain its background.
Then is at
the moment in India no big school of research in the fundamental problems of physics,
both theoretical and experimental. There are, however, scattered all over India
competent workers who are not doing as good work as they would do if brought
together in one place under proper direction. It is absolutely in the interest
of the India to have a rigorous Scholl
of research in fundamental physics, for such a school forms the spearhead of
research not only in less advanced branches of physics, but also in problems of
immediate practical application in industry. If much of the applied research done
in India today is disappointing or of very inferior quality it is entirely done
to the absence of a sufficient number of outstanding pure research workers who
would set the standard of good research and act on the directing boards in an
advisory capacity. ( This was accomplished in Great Britain ). Moreover, when
nuclear energy has been successfully applied for power production in say, a coupled
of decades from now, India will not have to look abroad for its experts but will find them ready at hand, I do not
think that one acquainted with scientific development in other countries would
deny the need in India for such a school as I propose.
The subjects
on which research and advanced teaching would be done would be theoretical physics,
especially on fundamental problems and with special reference to cosmic rays
and nuclear physics, and experimental research on cosmic rays. For the location
of the school I think Bombay would be the most suitable place in India.. Once a lab like the one proposed is established in
Bombay, it will be easier to collect further money for it in addition to what
the Tata Trusts may give. I am confident that both the Government and the
university should be prepared to give regular financial support.
I also hope
that in the time we shall receive liberal support from the board of Scientific
and Industrial research whose avowed policy includes support for the pure
research.. It would be in the interests of efficiency of BSIR decided to subsidize us
to carry on the on the pure research,
which is its intention is to foster by paying us, say 10 % of the annual
expenditure it contemplates on the projected NPL ….Prof Hill….. repeatedly
stressed the fact that all research has in the beginning to be built round a
suitable man.. The same principle has guided the financing of research in
Germany. The object has thus been expressed by the President (of Kaiser Wilhelm
Society ) Adolf V Harnack, “ The society shall not first build and institute
for research and then seek out the suitable man, but shall first pick up an
outstanding man and then build an institute for him..
Financial support from the Government need not however, entail Government Control,,,
To quote Prof. Hill in his lecture to the Science Congress at Delhi – May of
these independent scientific institutes in Great Britain nowadays are receiving substantial State
support, but nearly always when this done, a buffer
of some kind is interposed to prevent Government support from becoming
Government control ( Hill’s underlining ).
I am
convinced within five years we could make Bombay the center of fundamental
physical research in India..
I would like
to add few personal remarks. It was while I was on holiday in 1939 that the war
broke out and stopped my return to my
job in Cambridge. For some time after that I had the idea that after the war I
would accept a job in a good university in Europe or America.. But in the last
two years I have come more and more to the view that provided proper
appreciation and financial support are
forthcoming, it is ones duty to stay in ones own country and build up schools
comparable with those that other countries are fortunate in possessing. The
scheme I am now submitting to you is but
embryo from which I hope to build p in the course of time a school of physics comparable
with the best anywhere. If Tatas would decide to sponsor an institute such as I
propose through their Trusts I am sure that they would be taking the initiative
in a move which will be supported soon from many directions and be of lasting
benefit to India .
With kind
Yours Sincerely
H J Bhabha.
Source: Homi Bhabha by Chintamani Deshmukh, India, NBT , 2005
p.35 – 37)
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